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BREAKING: Canada Ends Postgraduate Work Permit Flagpoling

In a significant policy shift announced on June 21, 2024, Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Honorable Mark Miller, has declared an immediate halt to flagpoling for postgraduate work permits. Effective June 21, 2024, foreign nationals can no longer use this method to obtain their permits. This unexpected change will impact many international students who had planned to expedite their postgraduate work permit process through flagpoling. The official statement titled, Canada Improves Fairness for Applicants by Ending Postgraduation Work Permit Flagpoling, outlines the new policy and its rationale. The Canada-US border facilitates a vital flow of goods and people, crucial to North America’s economy and the strong ties between Canadians and Americans. In an effort to streamline border crossings without compromising immigration integrity, Minister Miller has announced the immediate cessation of border applications for the Postgraduation Work Permit (PGWP). Flagpoling, a process where temporary residents leave and re-enter Canada to receive same-day immigration services, has been deemed resource-intensive. It diverts border officers from essential enforcement duties, delays travelers, and hampers goods movement. Between March 1, 2023, and February 29, 2024, PGWP applicants comprised about 20% of those attempting flagpoling. The Canadian government is now urging applicants to apply within Canada rather than through flagpoling. Enhancements in processing times and moves toward a more integrated, modernized system aim to expedite global application processing. The newly implemented policy strives to create a fairer system for all applicants and marks another step towards reducing flagpoling. The government continues to seek methods to ensure the Canada-US border operates smoothly and efficiently for the benefit of both nations. From February 1 to the end of March, one-fifth of all flagpoling attempts involved foreign nationals eligible for a PGWP. This practice placed substantial strain on Canada’s Border Services Agency, whose primary mission is to safeguard the border and ensure the secure movement of people and goods. Recently, IRCC announced efforts to reduce flagpoling processing times at various Canadian borders. This policy change represents a significant setback for international students, especially those eligible for the three-year postgraduate work permit who sought to bypass lengthy online application processes. Previously, flagpoling allowed for same-day permit issuance, offering a quick alternative to the often delayed online applications. Moving forward, all PGWP applications must be submitted online. While the announcement did not address other immigration documents processed through flagpoling, it is presumed that other types of flagpoling may still be permitted, provided they are unrelated to the postgraduate work permit. Source IRCC: Let Worldbridge Immigration Services be your guide to a successful future in Canada  Contact us: Website: Email: Phone/WhatsApp: +1-416-727-7766 Social Media: @worldbridgeHQ

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Upcoming Changes to Canada’s Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) Program: What International Students Need to Know

Hello future graduates and international students. Today, we’re exploring some intriguing changes that could shape your post-graduation journey here in Canada. Whether you’re currently studying or planning to pursue your education abroad, this is essential reading. What’s on the Horizon? The Canadian Immigration Department is considering significant modifications to post-graduation work permits, and these changes are going to affect you directly. These modifications aim to create a more streamlined and beneficial pathway from education to employment for international students. Aligning Education with Labour Market Needs So, what exactly are these changes? Let’s break it down. Firstly, imagine graduating from a program that not only aligns with your passion but also with Canada’s labour market requirements. That’s the direction we’re moving towards. The plan suggests aligning academic programs with Canada’s National Occupational Classification (NOC). In simpler terms, this means your studies could directly correspond to occupations projected to experience shortages in the future. Enhanced Job Prospects It’s incredibly exciting to think that your degree could lead to a job where your skills are in high demand. Knowing that your education is directly tied to potential job opportunities makes the future here more promising. This strategic alignment not only boosts your chances of employment but also contributes to Canada’s economic growth by filling critical job gaps. Quality Over Quantity But wait, there’s more. These changes aren’t just about aligning studies with job prospects. They’re also aimed at ensuring that international students have meaningful labour market outcomes commensurate with their education and training. It’s about quality over quantity. This means producing graduates who are not only employable but also possess the skills and knowledge required for high-demand occupations. Impact on Post-Graduation Work Permits Now, you might be wondering, how does this affect you? Well, for starters, the days of pursuing any post-secondary program and automatically qualifying for an open work permit are changing. The new system will likely place a stronger emphasis on the relevance of your chosen program to Canada’s labour market needs. This shift ensures that your education investment translates into real career opportunities. Navigating the Changes But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. To stay ahead of these changes, it’s crucial to choose your academic programs wisely. Look for programs that not only interest you but also align with Canada’s future job market. Stay informed about the evolving requirements and seek guidance from academic advisors and career counselors. In summary, these upcoming changes to Canada’s post-graduation work permit system are designed to better align international students’ education with the country’s labour market needs, enhancing job prospects and ensuring meaningful employment outcomes. While the adjustments might seem daunting, they also present an exciting opportunity to tailor your education to a fulfilling career in Canada. As you navigate these changes, remember to stay informed, stay prepared, and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. Keep dreaming big and working towards your goals. The future is bright for international students in Canada. Source IRCC Let Worldbridge Immigration Services be your guide to a successful future in CanadaContact us: Website: www.theworldbridge.caEmail: info@theworldbridge.caPhone/WhatsApp: +1-416-727-7766Social Media: @worldbridgeHQ

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The Benefits of Studying in Canada: A Pathway to Permanent Residency

Are you curious about the real benefits of studying in Canada? Do you sometimes ponder on what it’s like to be an international student in Canada? If you are considering studying in Canada, this information will give you some reasons why studying in Canada is a great choice for international students. 1. Quality Education: One of the biggest benefits of studying in Canada is the quality of education. The country is home to world-class institutions and many top-tier schools. Canadian universities are consistently ranked as some of the best in the world and offer a variety of programs. The strong research programs, high-quality education, and well-funded infrastructure provide an excellent learning environment for international students. 2. High Quality of Life: Canadians enjoy a high standard of living, safety, and access to excellent healthcare facilities. Canada is one of the most peaceful countries in the world, with low crime rates and a strong police force. Canadians are content with their lives, making it an ideal environment for students to thrive academically and personally. 3. Work Opportunities: Canada’s laws allow international students to work part-time during their studies and offer pathways for post-graduation employment. Under new rules coming into force in the fall, international students will be allowed to work up to 24 hours per week during the school year and 40 hours per week during scheduled breaks and holidays. Canada also provides opportunities for qualified graduates to become permanent residents, enhancing long-term prospects for success. Read – Canada’s Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) program overview 4. Cultural Diversity: Canada’s rich cultural tapestry offers international students the opportunity to explore diverse traditions, languages, and perspectives. Multiculturalism fosters a vibrant and inclusive community where students can learn from each other and broaden their horizons. This cultural diversity provides an enriching educational experience for students from around the world. 5. Inclusive Society: Grounded in values of civility, tolerance, and multiculturalism, Canada embraces diversity as a source of strength. The strong sense of community in Canadian universities makes it easy for students to forge connections and friendships from around the world. Canada’s welcoming nature and inclusive culture create a supportive environment for international students. 6. Affordable Tuition Fees: Canada’s educational institutions offer some of the lowest tuition fees for international students compared to other English-speaking countries. This affordability makes Canada an attractive option for those seeking a high-quality education at an affordable cost. Want to study in Canada, but can’t afford the fees? Explore our Financial Aid option (Part Funding) or click here for Full Funding option. 7. Safe and Stable Environment: Canada is known for its political stability and low crime rates, making it a safe place to study. Whether you’re concerned about personal safety or political stability, Canada offers a secure environment for international students. As a bonus point, tuition fees at Canada’s educational institutions are some of the lowest in the English-speaking countries. With its world-class universities and diverse culture, studying in Canada is a no-brainer. In summary, Canada is a safe place to study both in terms of crime rates and political stability, making it a great option for students who are worried about their safety. Let Worldbridge Immigration Services Guide Your Path to Canada Contact us:Website: www.theworldbridge.caEmail: info@theworldbridge.caPhone/WhatsApp: +1-416-727-7766Social media: @worldbridgeHQ

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Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) Program Overview

Canada’s Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) program is a unique opportunity for graduates from eligible Canadian postsecondary institutions to extend their stay in Canada through meaningful employment. This program enables eligible international student graduates to gain valuable Canadian work experience, which is a crucial step for those considering permanent residency in Canada. Eligibility and Application Graduates from an eligible full-time program of at least eight months in duration at a designated learning institution in Canada may apply for the PGWP. It’s important to apply within 180 days of receiving your final grades to qualify for this opportunity. Work Permit Duration The duration of the PGWP varies, ranging from eight months to a maximum of three years, depending on the length of your study program. In a significant update as of February 15, 2024, graduates from master’s programs of less than two years will now qualify for a three-year work permit, ensuring that all master’s degree holders can benefit from extended work opportunities in Canada. Employment Opportunities As a PGWP holder, you have the flexibility to work full-time, anywhere in Canada, and in any occupation, though some jobs may require a medical exam. This open work permit is a stepping stone towards gaining the Canadian work experience required for permanent residence. Recent Policy Changes For Students of Public/Private Institution Partnerships: Effective May 15, 2024, new students of public/private institution partnership models under curriculum licensing arrangements (PPPs) will no longer be eligible for the PGWP. However, students already enrolled in PPP programs before this date will retain their eligibility post-graduation.For master’s Program Graduates: Starting February 15, 2024, master’s students graduating from programs shorter than two years are now eligible for a three-year PGWP, aligning their opportunity with other graduates. How We Can Help At Worldbridge Immigration Services, we are committed to guiding you through the PGWP application process, offering expert advice tailored to your individual circumstances. Whether you’re navigating the eligibility criteria, preparing your application, or planning your career path in Canada, our team is here to support you every step of the way. For personalized assistance and to learn more about how these changes may impact you, contact us today.Website: www.theworldbridge.caEmail: info@theworldbridge.caWhatsApp/Phone: +1-416-727-7766Social media: @WorldbridgeHQ Kitchener, ON CanadaMarch 25, 2024

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At Worldbridge Immigration Services, we help people navigate the Canadian Immigration process.


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